Life Coach, Therapist (Texas residents only)

Joanna specializes in working with women who are experiencing nervous system dysregulation that stems from trauma. Though she, herself, experienced developmental trauma, she has found the spark and joy of reconnection and it has changed her life in unbelievable ways. Her approach to therapy is ultimately guided by the belief that you are your own healer. She utilizes nervous system regulation, somatics and parts work to help guide you into this truth.

Joanna Cook


specializing in

Women, Anxiety, Depression, Disconnection, Nervous System Dysregulation, Somatic symptoms, Adults, Mothers

Meet Joanna

Joanna loves and values people at their deepest core level and desires to guide them towards reconnection. Many people experience developmental trauma at a very young age and wind up with harmful patterns in adulthood, ultimately confused and disconnected from the truth and beauty of who they are. If you have experienced trauma and find yourself disconnected, with psychological and even physiological symptoms of anxiety and depression, Joanna is here to help. Having struggled with her own disconnection, confusion, and pain, Joanna offers compassion and guidance towards reconnection and wholeness. She is passionate about guiding women towards embodiment and unity of mind, body and spirit, and honored to walk beside you as your story unfolds.

"The discoveries of science, the teachings of the heart, and the revelations of the soul all assure us that no human being is ever beyond redemption. The possibility of renewal exists so long as life exists."
-Gabor Mate