What’s Wrong With Western Yoga

In the Western world, yoga has often been misconstrued as merely a form of exercise. However, according to renowned yoga instructor Seane Corn, this perspective significantly misses the mark. As Corn has said, "Yoga is not just a workout—it’s about working on yourself."

Yoga is indeed a way of life, deeply rooted in ancient Indian philosophy. It's a holistic practice that encompasses physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), moral virtues (yamas and niyamas), and meditation. Yoga is about cultivating mindfulness, enhancing well-being, and fostering a sense of inner peace.

The increasing focus on yoga as a fitness routine often prioritizes the physical aspects above all else, neglecting the mental, spiritual, and moral facets. This trend can lead to a shallow understanding and practice of yoga that doesn't fully tap into its transformative potential.

For those seeking a more holistic form of yoga, there are several approaches to consider. Start by finding a teacher or studio that emphasizes the spiritual aspects of yoga, not just the physical. Look for classes that incorporate meditation, breath work, and yogic philosophy.

In addition, consider expanding your practice beyond the mat. Incorporate the principles of yoga into your daily life—practice mindfulness, strive for balance, and cultivate compassion. Yoga is not just about perfecting a pose; it's about self-improvement and personal growth.

To discern between a workout and a true yoga practice, tune into the intention behind the practice. Is the focus solely on burning calories and toning muscles, or is there a deeper emphasis on self-reflection, spiritual growth, and holistic wellness? The answer will guide you to a practice that aligns with the true essence of yoga.

If you’re interested in starting your own yoga journey, be sure to check out our rockstar one-on-one yoga instructor Jen. We love Jen’s empathy, compassion, and joy that she brings into each one of her sessions! Get started by scheduling a clarity call with her today


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