Yoga Victoria Towery Yoga Victoria Towery

What’s Wrong With Western Yoga

In the Western world, yoga has often been misconstrued as merely a form of exercise. However, according to renowned yoga instructor Seane Corn, this perspective significantly misses the mark.

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Yoga Victoria Towery Yoga Victoria Towery

Why Yoga is Not Just for Thin People

Yoga has been marketed in the media as a practice for thin people, often featuring images of young, slim, and flexible individuals in yoga poses. This has led to a misconception that yoga is only for those who fit a certain body type or physical ability. However, the truth is that yoga is a practice for everyone, regardless of their size, shape, age, or ability.

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Yoga Victoria Towery Yoga Victoria Towery

All You Need to Know About Kundalini

Kundalini Yoga is an ancient practice that has been used for centuries to improve mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing.

One of the main benefits of Kundalini Yoga is its positive impact on mental health.

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Yoga Victoria Towery Yoga Victoria Towery

You’re not too inflexible to begin yoga

Starting yoga can feel intimidating, but it is important to remember that everyone starts somewhere. It is okay to feel awkward or uncomfortable in the beginning, but with practice, you will start to feel more comfortable in your body and in the poses.

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Yoga Victoria Towery Yoga Victoria Towery

Stressed out? Yoga can help!

Women today are busier than ever, with many responsibilities to juggle daily. It’s no wonder that stress is so common in our lives. But did you know that yoga can be a powerful tool for reducing stress? This blog post will explore why yoga is an excellent choice for unwinding and de-stressing.

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