The Body Keeps the Score

Trauma is an experience that can leave a lasting impact on our lives. It can manifest physically, emotionally, and psychologically, affecting our daily life. Trauma can be a result of various causes like accidents, abuse, natural disasters, and loss of a loved one. The impact of trauma on the body can be long-lasting, and it is essential to understand how our body holds trauma and how we can use it to heal from it.

The body's response to trauma can be understood as a survival mechanism. When we face a traumatic experience, our body goes into a fight, flight, or freeze mode. This response is essential to protect us from danger. The body releases hormones and prepares us to fight or flee from the threat. However, if the trauma is severe, it can lead to a chronic state of hyperarousal or numbness, leading to various physical and psychological symptoms.

The body holds trauma in different ways. Some people may experience physical symptoms like chronic pain, headaches, digestive issues, or fatigue. Others may experience psychological symptoms like anxiety, depression, anger, or emotional numbness. The body's response to trauma depends on various factors like the severity of the trauma, individual resilience, and the availability of support.

The good news is that the body also holds the key to healing from trauma. By understanding how the body holds trauma, we can use various techniques to release it from our system. One such technique is body-oriented therapy. Body-oriented therapy focuses on using the body as a resource to heal from trauma. It involves techniques like breathwork, movement, touch, and mindfulness to release trauma from the body.

Breathwork is a powerful tool that helps regulate the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight, flight, or freeze response. By regulating our breathing, we can calm the nervous system and reduce anxiety and stress. Movement therapy involves using gentle movements to release physical tension from the body. Touch therapy involves using safe and nurturing touch to promote feelings of safety and connection. Mindfulness involves bringing awareness to the present moment and accepting our thoughts and feelings without judgment.

In conclusion, trauma can have a lasting impact on our lives, but it is possible to heal from it. By understanding how the body holds trauma, we can use various techniques to release it from our system. Body-oriented therapy is a promising approach that can help individuals heal from trauma by using the body as a resource. With the right support and resources, healing from trauma is possible, and we can lead a fulfilling life.

To learn more, download our Breathwork Guide !


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