Relationships Victoria Towery Relationships Victoria Towery

Maintaining Individuality in a Committed Relationship

When you enter into a committed relationship, it's natural to prioritize your partner and your relationship. However, it's important to remember that you are still an individual with your own thoughts, feelings, and interests. Maintaining your individuality can actually enhance your relationship and help it thrive.

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Relationships Victoria Towery Relationships Victoria Towery

More Couples Are Going Poly…

There are many reasons why couples may choose to explore non-traditional relationship structures. For some, it may be a way to address issues such as sexual incompatibility or a desire for more variety. For others, it may simply be a way to explore their own desires and boundaries.

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Relationships Victoria Towery Relationships Victoria Towery

Understanding Attachment Styles

Attachment theory suggests that the relationships we form in early childhood profoundly impact how we relate to others in adulthood. These early attachment styles are formed through interactions with primary caregivers and shape our beliefs about ourselves and others.

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Relationships Victoria Towery Relationships Victoria Towery

Understanding Relational Trauma

We’ve all experienced our fair share of hurtful relationships, but what exactly is relational trauma? Relational trauma is the result of experiencing a pattern of unresolved interpersonal issues with another person or persons.

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